If you want to turbo-charge the results you get from your marketing campaigns, you'll love this.  I'm going to show you...
Even if you're a complete newbie at copywriting...

...these fill-in-the-blank email templates can drive your prospects crazy with desire for your offer!  Read on....
Dear Friend,

If you're tired of trying to figure out how to connect with your prospects in a meaningful way...

...and you want a simple method for creating immediate cash flow in ANY business, niche or product category...

...you're going to love this.
After 20+ years as a successful direct-response marketer and copywriter, I've learned a few things about creating huge surges in sales and customers.

And, if you use what I'm going to share with you, you can make MORE sales with LESS effort than you can imagine. 

In fact, if you'll read this letter to the end, I'm going to show you...
How I Recently Used 8 Emails To Make $34,300 In 7 Days...
No videos or "VSL"s.
No blogging.
No "livestreams" or webinars.

Just 8 emails written in a very particular way (which I'll show you).

And because I know the Internet is full of a bunch of wild, bogus claims, here's a screenshot from my dashboard so you can see for yourself...
That's not anticipated earnings.  
That's not projected profits.
That's not pie-in-the-sky.

That's real, actual money-in-the-bank revenue that I created with just 8 simple emails.  

And the best part...
ALL This Revenue Came From A Teeny, Tiny List Of Fewer Than 500 Leads!
If that excites you, it should!

Because, contrary to what you've been told, you do NOT need a massive list in order to earn a great income.

In fact, I regularly "run circles" around other marketers with far larger lists.  

Because, if you use what I'm going to share with you, you can make MORE sales with LESS effort than you can imagine

In fact, you can...
Make More Sales In 7 Days Than You Have In The Last 7 Months!
Even better, you can do it without fretting or wringing your hands over your sales copy...

...without reading another book on copywriting...

...and without hiring someone to write your copy for you.

How can I make such a bold promise?

Because The Copy Is Already Written For You!
And, it's written by an in-the-trenches, do-or-die, "this-must-convert-or-I-don't-get-paid" copywriter with over 20 years of experience in turning words into sales!

In fact, I want you to picture something...

Imagine that -- about 10 minutes from now....

1.  You pour yourself a couple of tea or coffee.

2.  You open a PDF file that contains proven, effective email copy that's been used to convert leads to countless sales.

3.  You fill in the blanks (with the instructions I provide)

And -- SNAP! -- in less than 60 minutes, you've got a fully-automated letter series that...
Makes You Sales On Auto-Pilot...While You Enjoy A Freedom Lifestyle!
People flowing through your system...

The emails handling all the followup on your behalf...

Sales coming in because you -- YOU -- are reaching your audience in a relevant, powerful way.

Heck!  What are you going to do with all the extra time you'll have?

I mean....if you've got a done-for-you series of letters that take care of all the heavy lifting...

....that means you get to "buy back" all the time you're currently spending with your nose to the grindstone!

Maybe you'll start playing golf during the week....because you can.  

Maybe you'll start getting your passport stamped more often.  (I can tell you:  you can make just as much money walking the streets of London or Rome as you can sit at home in your jammies....)

Maybe you'll take up that hobby that you've been interested in....but never had the time or money to engage in.  Now, you do!  

If you're skeptical, I understand.

In fact, every person I've ever taught this to usually goes through a bit of disbelief. 

In fact, there are...
9 Stages That People Go Through When They Hear About This Method...
STAGE 1:  Disbelief that a method so simple can be so effective.

STAGE 2:  Engaging in skeptical self-talk while simultaneously being intrigued it can work for you as it does for me.

STAGE 3:  Taking a leap of faith and allowing yourself to believe that I'm telling you the truth about what's possible for you

STAGE 4:  Going through the step-by-step instructions and seeing the results for yourself

STAGE 5:  Pinching yourself that your business could transform so quickly...and wishing you'd done it sooner.

STAGE 6:  Becoming a staunch advocate for this kind of communication and automated segmenting...and finding that your other marketing friends are skeptical

STAGE 7:  Continuing to enjoy stellar results while others finally ask what you're doing differently in your business

STAGE 8:  You tell them (again) how simply your business changed when you followed this strategy.

STAGE 9:  They (reluctantly) take a leap of faith and allow themselves to believe that their business could improve so easily

Then the cycle continues from STAGE 4 on down...
Human beings are funny, aren't we?  :)

Anyhoo...for whatever reason, I've found that -- the more you try to convince people of this -- the less they believe it.

Because It's Not What You Think....
When someone says "automation"...or "powerful copywriting", people think they know that I'm talking about.....and they don't.

Let me be clear on this:
[+]  I'm NOT talking about loading up 100 pre-written letters into an autoresponder

[+]  I'm NOT talking about vanilla, boring cookie-cutter follow-up letters that produce 5% and 10% open rates.

[+]  I'm NOT talking about crude,  2015-era technology that ignores all the advances that have been made in email marketing in the last 24 months
I'm talking about a different way of communicating that you and your prospects have never experienced...

...and a level of automation that lets you talk to your prospects differently based on how they're responding to your letters....

I'll give you an example....

Think about a restaurant where you're a "regular".  You go there every week.  Sometimes more than once.  You spend lots of money each visit.  It's your first choice for special dinners and a great meal when friends come to town.

Now, ask yourself:  do you expect the restaurant to treat you like someone they've never seen before?

Of course not!  At least, not if they're smart!

They understand that loyal customers (like you) should be treated differently than someone who's never eaten there before.

It's the same way in your email marketing.

The key to effective persuasion is being able to treat people differently based on their behavior.

But almost no one does this!  And that's why you can...
Run Circles Around Your Competition Who Are Still Marketing Like It's 2015!
Listen, I learned this stuff the hard way.  I had to figure it out as I went along.

There's no point in you going through the same expensive "trial and error" that I did.

When I finally stumbled on what I'm going to show you, I adapted and applied these secrets to my "barely on life-support business"...

...and my revenue exploded!

My sales grew by over 1,100% in only 6 months.  To say it was "life-changing" would be the understatement of the year.  

In fact, truth be told, in less than ONE year, I went from "struggling to make a single sale" to....
Pocketing Over $118,000 Per Month!
If it feels strange to READ a sentence like that, I can promise you:  it feels even stranger to WRITE it!

After all, I'm a former assistant manager at Waldenbooks.  I never went to college.  My dad was a Baptist preacher and Mom worked at Eveready Battery.  As far as I know, no one in my family had ever earned more than $30,000 per year.

And suddenly, I went from "barely making ends meet"...

...to earning more in a month than most Americans earn in YEARS!

So,....yeah.  It was quite a life-changer.

Since then, I've been on  MISSION:  a mission to share methods like these for building a huge, thriving business quickly....without all the hassles.

See, call me sentimental but....
I Believe That When Someone Has Become Unusually Successful At Something, They Have A Responsibility To 'Send The Elevator Back Down'....
That's part of the reason I'm writing this.

But, there's more...

See, the truth is that it IS great to be able to grow your business as quickly as possible and make a ton of money in the process.

And lots of business owners do that.

But the WAY they go about it makes you a slave to your business.

Even if you manage to carve out a bit of success for yourself....you have no life.

Your business is an all­-consuming activity that eats all your free time.  It takes a HUGE toll on your family, too.  

What I'm talking about is a simpler, more effective way to build your business -- ANY business -- that gives you incredible time and lifestyle freedom. 

Because when money doesn’t control you... and you have time freedom...

...life becomes pretty amazing.

First of all, you just plain FEEL better

You no longer go to bed and wake up every morning with fear and worry as your constant companions.

You no longer have that ever-present weight on your shoulders that comes from feeling like other people have more control of your life than you do.

Can you imagine how it FEELS to not have that feeling of fear in your stomach every day?  The one deep in your gut that comes from worrying about money....from worrying about your boss jerking you around....from having to ask "how high" every time he says, "Jump!"

Look, no offense....but life is too short to be in slavery to someone else.

Your boss thinks you need to work late and miss your child's ball game or recital?

Who cares what your boss thinks?!  What about what YOU think?!

No, the only reason we ever put up with that crap is because we need the money.

But when you have what I'm about to show you, you can be....
FREE From Financial Slavery!
It lets you experience what it's like to have sales coming in every single day.  And a bank account that sees more deposits than withdrawals.

Life is good when the money is flowing.

Finally, you can do what you should have been doing with your life all along:  LIVING IT!

And if you've been trying to figure out "which end is up" in your business, what I'm about to share with you is the solution for doing ALL of this!

It's simple.  
It's fast.
It's easy.

Whoa, did I just say the "E" word?

I sure did.  Because there's nothing easier to do than what I'm going to show you.

Best of all, you're about to discover that the biggest piece of the puzzle you've been missing is this:  finally reaching your prospects in a way that's relevant to them.

And when you do, they'll practically....
They'll Line Up And Beg You To Take Their Money...and You Only Need TWO Ingredients!
Okay, let's get down to it.

HOW do you do this?

It boils down to a couple of things...
NECESSARY INGREDIENT #1:  Psychologically potent email copy that triggers your customer's deepest emotions and practically forces them to respond...

NECESSARY INGREDIENT #2:  A breakthrough in email automation that far surpasses the brute-force, "slinging mud against the wall to see what sticks" method favored by AOMs (average, ordinary marketers)
In my experience, those are the two ingredients that are absolutely required to create time and financial freedom. There are no exceptions that I'm aware of.

Without these abilities, your business is a constant struggle. 

However, when you DO have these two abilities...you can grow your business and your income so quickly, you'll be astounded at why you never made these changes sooner!

In fact, if you do it the way I'll show you, you can...
Earn An Income That Most "Normal" People Would Never Even Dream Of!
By the way, in case you're wondering...I'm not talking about a "comfortable" income.

I'm talking about earning an income that would make you "rich" by any definition of the word:  luxury home, late-model cars, a genuine "5-star" lifestyle.

If that's what you're into, it can be yours.  

Or maybe you're like me.  You won't see me riding around town in a chauffeur-driven Maybach or throwing dice in Vegas surrounded by a wild party crowd.

Personally, I like a lower-key lifestyle with lots less maintenance.  I prefer to enjoy my leisure time with my high-school sweetheart (whom I've been married to for almost 20 years now)....usually at home or in small groups of close friends.

But whatever your preference...when you have the right abilities in place...the world is your oyster!
And YOU Are Just One Step Away From Having These Same Results!
So, let's get down to the nitty-gritty.

I've taught many others how to do it.  
I can teach you how to do this, too.

But, personal copywriting coaching is expensive.  Because of the demands on my time, even if I wanted to teach this stuff 1-on-1, the costs would put it out-of-reach for the people who need it the most.

Plus, learning how to write really good copy is as much of an "art" as a science.

It takes years.  And it can be grueling.

To paraphrase the great David Mamet:  "Copywriting is easy. All you have to do is sit at the keyboard and bleed."

But then it hit me....
What If I Just Gave You The Pre-Written Emails In A Fill-In-The-Blank Format So You Can Adapt Them For Your Own Use?
So, here's what I did:

I sat down and I looked back over some of my best email campaigns that have produced $10k DAYS...

...and went through them carefully to show you where YOU can insert your offer or benefit.

Then I wrote a guidebook to show you what to change and how.

Because that's all you really need.  Just a bit of direction to show you which parts to change to make them applicable for your offer!

Plus, in addition to the actual email copy itself, I'm also going to give you...
A Never-Before-Seen Look At How I Routinely Get Open Rates Of 40%...50%...60% and More!
Honestly, I feel a little weird about showing this.

I showed it to someone for the first time recently.  I did a little "screen share" for a friend of mine and gave him a sneak peek.  

His jaw hit the floor.

He'd never seen anything like it.
And when I showed him the underlying psychology and automation, he said, "Good lord!  No wonder you get 60% and 70% open rates!  This is completely unlike how anyone else handles their email marketing!"

Best of all, it's so simple that a 12-year old can do it.   It doesn't require any technical expertise at all.  It's all copy-and-paste simple!

You're going to love it when you see it.

If You've Struggled To Make Sales In Your Business, It Might Not Even Be Your Fault...
Here's why I say this.

If you're like a lot of people, you've been told that you just need to throw 100+ letters into Aweber, sit back, do nothing and watch the money roll in.

Right?  You've heard that before, right?

So that's what you did.  And when the money didn't come flying in the door...you blamed yourself. 

Or, even worse, the "guru" blamed you and said you "didn't have the right mindset" or "weren't following the system" or some other nonsense.

Let me set the record straight once and for all...

If you want to be an effective communicator with your customers, you have to "show up".  You have to be willing to add your own personality to your work.

So, if you're looking for some tired, beaten-up, "vanilla" autoresponder letters...I don't have anything for you.

Or, if you want a one-size-fits-all set of letters that you never have to touch or edit, I can't help you.  Anything that "general" is also going to be powerless.

Instead, what I'm going to give you is a complete SERIES of letters that are carefully and psychologically designed to practically force your customer to sit up and take notice!

AND...instead of just handing you the letters and sending you on your way, I'm also going to show you WHY these letters work.  So that way you can intelligently adapt them for your own use.

AND...I'm going to show you the real-life, behind-the-scenes, never-before-seen automation process that I use that sets me apart from every other marketer that's mailing you.

I've put all this together in a brand new product called the...

This is not a copywriting course.  

Instead, I'm giving you pre-written, fill-in-the-blank emails that have all the underlying lead-to-sale conversion psychology built-in!.

In fact, what you're really getting is:
A Massive Shortcut For Creating High-Converting Sales Copy Quickly!
That way, instead of staring at a blank screen and trying to figure out how to start from scratch...

...you're getting the rights to use all this email copy for your own business.

Not word-for-word, of course.  (You'll discover why that doesn't work when you go through the Guide Book.)

Instead, you're going to get easy-to-edit templates that you can adapt for your own offers.  It's as "fill-in-the-blank" as I can make it.  

I'll even show you the best type of stuff to put in those blanks.  Nothing is left to chance.

I really want you to be clear on this...

I'm talking about an automated followup machine that's loaded-to-the-gills with language and psychology that allows you to "cut through the noise"....attract your BEST customers....and induce a buying frenzy...

....all on auto-pilot while you're playing...reading...spending time with friends and family....and enjoying life as you deserve.

You'll be amazed at how good it FEELS to know that -- whatever you're doing -- you've got an automated system working for you...

...24 hours a day....7 days a week...365 days a year.   
Here's What You Get:
Shame On You, Cardone!
And don't even get me started on "GaryVee".  

If you want a nervous breakdown by the time you're 40 from working 18-hour days, 7 days a week (with ZERO meaningful relationships in sight)....then GaryVee is a great person to learn that from.

Me?  No thanks.  I'd rather go fold T-shirts at Old Navy.

Fortunately, you don't have to run your business that way.  Or your life.

(By the way, are you shocked that I'm naming names?  

Don't be.  

When I said I was "breaking the rules", that wasn't just good copywriting.   I'm tired of all the crap that passes for "coaching" in this industry.  It's about time someone called them out.

  •  The Lead-To-Sale Guidebook.  This 20-page book outlines the entire structure of the Lead-To-Sale method and equips you to start earning money immediately
  •  "The H-I-O" Sequence: This is the underlying psychology for the entire series so you can apply it to other offers
  •  The "No-Webpage-Needed" Method:  I'll show you how to do this without needing a page-builder of any kind.  (If you want to take a break from "funnel hacking", fighting with Wordpress, etc., you'll love this.)
  •  Why It Works:  I debated about including this because I know most people only want the step-by-step instructions.  But, if you'll take a few minutes to learn WHY it works...you can get amazing results over and over and over.
  •  How To "Install" The Letters:  I'll walk you through the exact process so it's super-easy to do....even if you're a self-proclaimed "newbie" at technology.
     The 8-Email Letter Series:  this is it.  These are the actual letters that I've used in multiple markets and niches to create the results I'm describing
  •  Lifetime Licensing:  This is what allows you to use these letters "free-and-clear" for any of your offers...with no licensing fees from me and no royalty payments required.  Use the letters any way you want for any business or offer
Listen, if you're tired of reading copywriting books until you're bleary eyed...

And you don't have the years required to learn to "bleed on the page"... The Lead To Sale Conversion Email Series is...
The Simplest, Fastest & Easiest Way To Ramp Up Sales For ANYTHING!
These are tested, proven emails that will allow you to completely skip the long, expensive "learning curve"...

...and just start getting results NOW.  Because I'm giving you "fill-in-the-blanks" copy.  

AND, if that's not easy enough, I'm showing you EXACTLY what to put in the "fill-in-the-blanks" parts.

There’s no other possible way to make this any simpler or any easier for you! 

This can take you from being stuck... struggling... plateaued... feeling like you’re swimming in wet concrete... to making money so darn fast, it’ll make your head spin.

And to make this a complete no-brainer offer so there will be ZERO resistance for you, I'm also going to include this...

"The One-Click Method For The Laziest Marketers Alive"
This is for Brad.

He's a client of mine and he's officially the laziest person in the world.  

(Brad is so lazy that, if he won the lottery, someone would have to wake him up, roll him over and put the money in his pocket.)

So, right now, I can picture Brad whining:

"But, Tony.   You mean I have to copy all 8 of these letters to my autoresponder myself?  Really?  That's....*yawn*.....this sounds like it might take about 30 minutes.  Can't you make it easier?"

So, if you're as lazy as Brad is, I'll make this even easier.

If you order before the countdown timer hits ZERO, I'll include my 1-Click Method For The Laziest Marketers Alive.

It literally lets you click ONE link and all the letters are imported into the autoresponder system automatically.  

From there, all you need to do is fill in the blanks I'll show you!

Good lord! I can't make it any easier. You're running out of excuses for why not to get this!
And I'm Practically GIVING It Away!
Frankly, I ought to charge a mint for this.   

After all, it's the same copy that I've used to generate tens of thousands of dollars of sales in as little as a week....

If I was taking copywriting clients (I'm not), my rate for an 8-letter series would be over $2,400 plus a royalty on sales produced.

Even if I just wanted to be "in line" with what others are charging for lesser products, I should charge a minimum of $1,000.

But, that would be counter-productive for what I'm trying to do.

The whole reason I put this together is so that YOU can benefit from these letters no matter what your current financial situation is.

So, as much as I know this product has a much higher real-world value, I want to make this accessible to as many people as possible.

That's why The Lead To Sale Conversion Email Series is not $2,400.

I'm also not charging $1,000.

The Lead To Sale Conversion Email Series is only $99.

However, you need to take advantage of this right away or you're going to kick yourself.  Because, when this offer closes, it may be months before I open it again.  
Click that button and lock in your spot right now so you don't miss out.

All you need to do is copy these letters over to your autoresponder system and follow my simple instructions for filling in the blanks with information about your own offer.

Heck, if you'll just follow along with me in the "over the shoulder" video training, you can...
Start Getting Results Darn Near Immediately!
Also, let me tell you about the money-back guarantee:  there isn't one.

Due to the "already done-for-you" nature of this product, all sales are final and there are no refunds. If that frightens you or offends you, then don't buy it.  
Listen, I've invested DECADES in building a stellar reputation in business.  Anyone who knows me will tell you that I will NEVER compromise my reputation by selling you something that's not what I say it is.  

They'll also tell you that I regularly OVER-deliver on value simply because I really want you to succeed.  And it's true.  You can take that to the bank.

This product is no different.  But, because this product gives you fill-in-the-blank email templates to use in your own email system and lifetime licensing rights, we're not able to provide refunds.  Again, if that's a cause for concern, don't buy it.

On the other hand, if you're ready to load up your autoresponder with proven, market-tested email copy that works...and wrap it in some of the most cutting-edge email technology you've ever seen...

...then this limited time, discounted offer is a no-brainer!

Truly, if you don't get this, every time you send an email to your list that doesn't produce measurable results, you'll think, "I should have gotten the Lead To Sale Conversion Email Series from Tony when he offered it."

How much money will you lose for not having this in your toolbox?

Better get it before your competitors do.  You do NOT want your customers seeing this method in the hands of your competitors.
See you inside!
Tony Rush
Tony Rush
P.S.  Remember:  I'm GIVING you the letters!  Just tweak and shape them for your own needs.

Plus, I'm going to teach you something I've never shown ANYONE about how I organize my leads for maximum response and conversion.

Honestly, I feel a little weird about giving these gems away for such a low price.  So you should grab it now before this page goes away.

My friend, it will never be easier than this.  

This special promotion ends in:
© Kingston Station, LLC - All Rights Reserved

The real-world examples on this page are intended as a demonstration of how these methods have worked in our business.  It is not a guarantee that you will get the same results.  Your results will depend entirely on your offer, your pricing, your marketing budget, your marketing, etc.